Who is HML Berlin?

Bild von dem ausstellenden Designer Horst Max Lebert HML stands for the designer Horst Max Lebert who is living in Berlin. He considers himself as an aesthetic tradionalist. His works are celebrated all over the world like inter alia in Milan, New York and Tokio and are exhibited inter alia in the Museum of Modern Art New York, in the Museum of Arts and Crafts Berlin and in the Museum of Arts and Crafts Hamburg.

The philosophy of HML Berlin

HML Berlin represents a timeless, noble, puristic design made out of silver, gold and other precious materials. For Horst Max Lebert quality, tradition and sensuality are essential values that you find in any of his objects.
"No the things themselves are important, but the feelings they evoke."

The design of HML Berlin

Horst Max Lebert has his own and unique language of forms. He often uses the form of an ellipsis that serves as a main theme for many of his objects. All his works together create a harmonic synthesis of the arts.

The working method of HML Berlin

The working method of Horst Max Lebert is very traditional. He only uses
925/000 sterling silver and 24-carat-gold. Every piece is carefully and lovingly handmade.


Serviettenringe, Tischmanieren Horst Max Lebert forges gastronomic culture which does not depend on fashionable movements and time limits. One of the classics of his works are precious and artisticly created napkin rings that must not miss on a covered table with style. Elliptic, round, modern and classic. With the table accessories napkin rings Horst Max Lebert follows on old tradition that experiences a renaissance of table etiquette in a puristic design. The Museum of Modern Art purchased the whole collection. Title of the collection: Tischmanieren.


goldene Halskette The jewelery of Horst Max Lebert is sensual, pure but very expressive. Timeless, beautiful, soundly fabricated, classical and modern - the jewelery collection from Horst Max Lebert offers a great variety of products such as the chain "Standing Ovations".

Smaller items of furniture

ellipsenförmiger Spiegel Horst Max Lebert produces a small series of very precious smaller items of furniture such as the elliptic mirror (beech, silver/gold plated hand-ground mirror) and the matching console "Senza Rita" (steel silver/gold plated).
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Firmenname HML